Charles Gurrey

Charles Gurrey is a versatile sculptor who works with a wide range of materials including stone, wood, slate, concrete and marble. He also collaborates with other artists to incorporate different materials in his work. Gurrey is a highly talented artist, and his sculptures often feature text. Therefore, we aimed to create a contemporary design for his work, using a modern font that complements his style.

Client testimonial

Maraid allowed thoughts to develop in the course of designing the website, so that a clear visual representation of a practice that is not always easy to summarise, has resulted. Aesthetically and technically, I am indebted to them and feel the website reflects the work I do.

Charles Gurrey

Contemporary design to compliment Charles' work
Front-end build
Templates that work perfectly on all screensizes
Content Management System
All content can be easily updated
WCAG 2.2 and AA compliant
Carbon rating of A
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