Free vintage desktop wallpaper – flags

The images come from ‘The Observer’s Book of Flags’ published in 1966. They appear in this pocket size book at approx 5cm wide and look great blown up into a desktop.

Great Britain Navy
Former Admiralty Flag and also used by the Queen when she was head of the Royal Navy

Navy Flag

Bands of colour with a Crested Crane in the centre.

Uganda Flag

Washington State, USA
Baring a replica of the State Seal

Washington State Flag

‘The President’s flag’ of Burma with a peacock on.

Burma Flag

The ‘Geus’, the naval jack of the Netherlands.

Netherlands Jack Flag

Belgium Airforce
Target and gold lion with superimposed stylised wings.

Belgium Airforce Flag

New Mexico, USA
The Ancient Zia sun symbol of the Zuni Native Americans and the colours of Old Spain who once ruled the area.

New Mexico State

South Dakota, USA
The Sunshine State also known as The Mount Rushmore State

South Dekota Flag

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