Glasgow Print Fair 2022

Wow, what a day! It was amazing to bring Glasgow Print Fair back in real life. Thanks to sooo many people for making it a special day. Kaye Symington for being the perfect event partner and pal. All our lovely stall holders. The visitors that brought a real buzz. Lizzy Snow for being an amazing volunteer. Richard (aka other half of Maraid) for running the Matchbloc stall. The Lighthouse Glasgow for all their help and for allowing us to use their fab venue. Kieron Redmond for helping us with the exhibition. Helen Voce for being the most supportive, helpful and giving person always. Big Bear Bakery and Us V Them for sustaining us all day with tasty treats and coffee. Emer Tumilty for beautiful brand work. Jack Arts and Phoebe Willison for putting together the best billboards that were plastered around Glasgow with our wonderful artist’s work. Thank you all! Xxx

Caroline Dowsett

Extra Teeth


Kieron Redmond



Raissa Pardini

Angela Kirkwood

Black Lodge Press

Georgie Mac

Kieron Redmond with his recent purchase from Teuntje Fleur

David Lemm

Molly Fairhurst

Esme MacIntyre


Odd One Out

Exhibition and Instagram competition to win 36 prints from our 2022 artists

Max Machen

Teuntje Fleur

Chris Bryant

Will Mower


Georgia Green

Billboards Duke Street

Billboards Kilmarnock Road

Billboards Scotland Street

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