Two books about boats
It’s World Book Day. I wanted to share two brilliant books about boats. One came from Mundal Norway, the other from a charity shop near our studio. Both written in 1975 and first published by AB Nordbok, Gothenburg. They are beautifully illustrated and the amount of information is staggering. Even the Swedish book is fascinating as you can learn so much through the illustrations alone. All aboard.. etc
The Lore of Ships
First published in 1975 by AB Nordbok, Gothenburg Designed by Tre Tryckare. Editorial by Bengt Kihlberg, Art by Curt Sture Gorman, hand lithography by Per Nielsen![](/images/blog/2017/03/boat-1-1.jpg)
Skeppet I Bild - En Nautisk Historia
By Duncan Haws First published in 1975 by AB Nordbok, Gothenburg![](/images/blog/2017/03/book-2-16.jpg)
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